Scheduled Swim Meets
2025 Long Course (Summer)
If your child would like to attend any swim meet outside of the meets that are posted in your Swim Portal or in the list below, please contact Kent asap and the meet can be added to your Swim Portal for registration.
Unless it is noted for each meet, it is unknown if an Aquajet coach will be present at the meet
Yankton Swim Meet
Date TBA (typically 2nd wknd of June)
50 meter pool
Capital City Classic (Lincoln)
June 27-29
minimum time standards
50 meter pool
Sioux Falls Swim Meet
Date TBA (typically last wknd in June)
50 meter pool
Broken Bow Invite
June 28-29
no time standards
Cornhusker State Games (Fremont YMCA)
July 11-12
Parents must register their child on their own at CSG website
Midwestern 13&O LC Championship
July 19-20
Site TBD
minimum time standards
Midwestern 12&U LC Championships
July 26-27
Site TBD
minimum time standards